Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Initial salvo

So I've played around with this blogging thing in the past, but I just decided to get serious about it. I have no idea what kinds of topics are going to come up here - I'll just play it by ear.

There is no way that I am going to spend hours researching topics to write articles here that truly contribute to the intellectual storehouse. Neither do I know anybody who can provide me scoops on anything interesting so that when some big story breaks - like the Rather-gate mess - don't come looking here for some news; I don't know anything.

A couple of things you can be assured of when you come here - any grammatical errors will be due either to lack of sleep, lack of time for proofing, or some unexplainable digital mix-up in the electronic cosmos. There will be NO split infinitives NOR sentences ending with prepositions unless I feel like the preposition is unavoidably tied to the verb. You can rest easy that subjects and verbs will agree in number, the pronouns will agree with their antecedents in gender and number, and that I will use the proper case of those pronouns. It kills me to hear people say, "Johnny went to the store with Alex and I." I will use the proper past participle of most any verb. You will never read something like "What he should have did . . ." in this blog. And so on. If you see any errors, I want to know about it so that I can fix it, although I may use obviously poor grammar sometimes just to make a point as I did here earlier.

Please enjoy reading. I don't gripe nearly as much as the previous paragraph would indicate.

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